Ages 10 and up Eldur 1 – Heart of fire, Land of Ice Eva didn’t exactly choose to spend six weeks in Iceland at her Dad’s. In late fall, no less, when it’s cold and dark. Not to mention having to deal with Dad’s new wife who she hates for taking him away.It would be...
Ages 11 and up Perfect for you Kim is thirteen, loves soccer, her best friend Lolo, her dog and her big brother, Toby. And she adores Danny, who is three years older, and a genius in maths. He is also the school’s best athlete, and has the most amazing green eyes. In...
Ages 12 and up Friends & Horses 4 – In the Summer Rain Summer is coming to an end in Cricket Valley and the last days of school holidays are packed with tension for Rosa. On top of having to make a crucial decision regarding Finn, the first boy she ever...
Ages 12 and up Rideaway Bride No, of course Maxi’s not nervous about meeting Vic, her best friend Carolin’s brother. Not a bit nervous. After all, she has der perfect boyfriend, the perfect job and more than enough other things to worry about – such as the...
Ages 14 and up Suddenly Peru When Elena is offered to take a friend’s place in a volunteering program in Peru, she acts spontaneously – very likely for the first time ever – and decides to go. Head over heels she plunges into a new world, a different culture, a very...
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