
Hi, I‘m Chantal Schreiber,

and I’ve always known I wanted to be a writer, all through my childhood and High School years in Vienna, Austria. There was no Plan B. Except there was, of course, also nothing resembling a plan A. Realizing how little passion I had for my language studies, I dropped out of uni and kept myself afloat with different jobs, such as flight attendant, model and waitress.
When my daughter was two, I was lucky enough to make it into a TV production team and and thus began my writing career thinking up scripts for children’s TV shows – not only the perfect work-at-home-job for the mom of a young child, but – looking back – also the best training a future author of novels could wish for!


Polaroid Portrait Chantal Schreiber
Polaroid Portrait Chantal Schreiber on Couch
I got lucky again with my first Young Adult novel: “Alone among models” which turned out to be an instant success and the foundation for my writing career. Some thirty books for children, young adults and older adults later, there is still nothing I would rather do than write, write, write!
Mind you, there is still no plan, but there is a laptop (the 4th by now if I’m not mistaken) and an unlimited supply of ideas!
I work in my study , sitting at my Dad’s old kitchen table that’s doubling for a desk, looking out on the Vienna woods, or down in the garden. Consequently I spend my life wearing sweatpants or shorts, depending on the season. Every once in a while, I treat myself to a writing session at one of my favorite cafés in the city – I then rise to the occasion and search my closet for what is hidden behind the stack of sweatpants.
I’ve been living outside the city for some time now. You know, trees, birds, the whole deal. Sometimes I miss having my favourite movie theatres and cafés as close as they used to be. But then again, from my new home it is a much shorter drive to my horse. And now that the dog is part of the picture, I can’t really imagine living in a big city anymore. The dog most certainly can’t imagine it.
Polaroid Portrait Chantal Schreiber with her dog

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