Ages 14 and up
Miss Galaxy
Nina wants to be a journalist. No, cancel that: Nina WILL be a journalist. And there is nothing she wouldn’t do to get there. Nothing? Might as well cancel that, too. She would definitely NOT take part in something as fundamentally silly as a beauty contest. Or would she? If it meant getting not only an internship at her favourite newspaper but also her own column? O.k., in that case … In spite of the fact that she finds beauty contests sexist and superficial and way beneath her, she agrees to reporting undercover from the international pageant “Miss Galaxy” in London as “Miss Austria”. Locked up with more than eighty beauty queens from all over the world she is not only confronted with the hardships of using curling irons and facing press calls every single day but also with her own prejudices – and her own feminine side. To get away to London has the extra bonus of giving her some time to weigh her feelings for Jürgen, the good looking reporter, against those for Alex, her best buddy since the sandpit era, who all of a sudden seems to transform into someone quite unexpected. And then there’s this moment of truth when she finds out how far she would really go for the job – and if she would go even farther for a friendship.
currently out of print, available new and 2nd hand