Ages 10 and up
Eldur 2 – Storm
Eva is back in Iceland, this time in the company of her Mom who finally gets to meet Eva‘s little brother, and of course, her beloved Icelandic horse, Eldur. In complete harmony, the patchwork family are spending Christmas together, and Eva enjoys getting to know all the quirky Icelandic Christmas traditions. With her mother gone back to Munich, the harmony ends abruptly when Hrönn’s niece Emma appears on the scene. Eva has been looking forward to meeting Emma, but the girl seems determined to dislike her. The tension building up in the house is mirrored out on the paddock where Hrönn’s horse Vindur is challenging Eldur who is unwilling to give up „his“ mares to the intruder. During the dark and stormy last night oft he year, with Emma and Eva home alone, things are taking a sudden turn. In the middle of a snowstorm, the pregnant mare Gusta disappears, along with Vindur and Eldur, and it’s up to the girls to overcome their differences and unite forces to save Gusta and her foal.
Eldur 2 – Storm excerpt (in german)
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