Ages 14 and up Suddenly Peru When Elena is offered to take a friend’s place in a volunteering program in Peru, she acts spontaneously – very likely for the first time ever – and decides to go. Head over heels she plunges into a new world, a different culture, a very...
Ages 14 and up Alone among Models When Alina arrives in Athens, nothing is quite as glamorous as she has expected. This should be the kick-off for her international modelling career, after all! Competition is tough, not only for modelling jobs, but also for the heart...
Ages 14 and up Well covered Paulina is a big girl. BIG in capital letters, no doubt about that. Of course she knows this is not a very healthy state to be in – or a very attractive one, for that matter. But food means a lot to her – it is comfort, it is safety, it...
Ages 14 and up Miss Galaxy Nina wants to be a journalist. No, cancel that: Nina WILL be a journalist. And there is nothing she wouldn’t do to get there. Nothing? Might as well cancel that, too. She would definitely NOT take part in something as fundamentally silly as...
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