First Readers, 3 years and up KURT – There’s always SOMETHING Kurt is now the star of a picture book for the youngest KURT-Fans! Kurt the unicorn, is usually one of three things: hungry or sleepy, or attending to a friend in need. And someone always seems to be in...
First Readers Kurt 1 – stop the glitter already! It’s quite embarrassing to have your farts smell like roses and your coat exude pink glitter with every move. But Kurt can’t help it, for he’s a unicorn. The only thing even more nerve-wrecking are others’ expectations....
First Readers KURT 2 – the one and only. Or not? Munching on Marigolds, preferably in a very comfortable, i.e. mostly horizontal position. That’s Kurt’s idea of a perfect day, especially after the hassle of saving the tiny princess. However, innocent creatures are...
First Readers KURT 3 – Unicorn on a Mission Princess Flea is away visiting relatives and has taken her annoying little friend, Trill, with her. Kurt is shocked to realize he misses them! He wasn’t missing anything before, when he didn’t have friends, so this makes no...
First Readers Kurt 4 – Heroes, Dragons, Applesauce A dragon has been plundering the royal orchards, with terrible consequences: No apple sauce for Kurt! The situation is dire, so Kurt produces all the heroic qualities he can muster and indeed scares off the...
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